
SKRABBIL is a word game about spelling things badly.

3-4 players take turns using letter tiles to make misspelled words. You can spell words however you like, but you only score points if another player can guess them.

Skrabbil can be played in two teams of two KLASSIC )
or three-player free for all AYNHARKKY )


  • 15-30 minute games
  • You may already have everything you need to play!
  • You don’t need to be a good speller. In fact, it’s better if you’re a bad one.


(Playing Words)

Everyone starts with 7 random letter tiles from a shared bag. The starting player is whoever's most excited to go first.

Tiles are played as you would expect. On your turn, place any number of your tiles in a single row or column. The tiles placed (along with tiles already on the board) must form a single WERD with no gaps. WERDS are read top to bottom or left to right.

The WERD played on the first turn must cover the center space of the board. On following turns, all new WERDS must connect to existing tiles on the board.

Wherever you form a new WERD, you must think of a real English word you are misspelling. You can play any combination of letters, but be sure to have a real word in mind before guessing begins.


Your tiles:    R L U E T Y X

In this example, the previous player played RHEBAIT, meaning "rebate."
You can play ULRITE, meaning "alright":


-or how about playing "alright" in another location?


Placing your tiles might make multiple new words. In this case, RHEBAITL ("rebuttal") is also created by adding an L to the end of an existing word.

The more words you form on a turn, the more points you can score! But if a single word is guessed wrong, you'll get no points.

You can't spell ANY English word correctly. No playing GENES even if your word is meant to be "jeans." If you think your opponent's spelled a word correctly, see “CHALLENGING.”


(Scoring Words)

Words are scored normally. Each word is worth the sum of its letters, multiplied by premium spaces. Pre-existing tiles are counted, but not their premium value. A tile shared by two words counts for both, including any premium space value.

Spelling words wronger can net you more points!
rhaawyuk ("rock") is worth more points than rawk
zuierroo ("zero") is worth more points than zerro



After placing your tiles to create one or more WERDS, another player will try to guess what real English words you’re misspelling.

In KLASSIC mode (2 teams of 2 players) you sit across from your teammate. They'll try to guess every word you made on your turn. They can guess the words any order. If your teammate gets every word correct, you'll score points for all of them. If they get a single word wrong, your turn ends with no points.

In AYNHARKKY mode (3 players) the player to your left guesses. You both score points if they guess every word correct.

However, as soon as they get a word wrong, they stop guessing and the third player may choose to "steal." The thief tries to guess all the unguessed words, including the word the first guesser got wrong.

The thief only has one chance to guess the remaining words. If they get all remaining words right, add up the scores of those words and give them to the thief only. If they make a mistake, no one gets any points this turn.


Keep your guesser in mind, and try to pick a word they’ll guess correctly. No speaking or giving the guesser nonverbal hints!

All tiles stay on the board after the turn even if they are part of unguessed words. Draw back up to 7 tiles at the end of your turn.


(Valid Guesses)

To be accepted, a guessed word must sound exactly like the word you were thinking of. Any homophone is correct!

Say you play REIIYHZ (meaning "rays" of sunshine) but the guesser tries "raise" (like "raising the roof"). This guess is correct because "raise" and "rays" are pronounced exactly the same.

"Raze" would also be accepted; but not "razes,” "raids," or "race."

A correct guess must sound EXACTLY like your chosen word! Feel free to write down your word before guessing begins so you’re not tempted to lie.



If you think your opponent has played a correctly spelled word this turn, you may challenge them by saying “I think you’re accidentally good at spelling.”

Look the word up in a word-game glossary. If you're right, the opponent’s turn ends with 0 points. If you're wrong, you lose 20 points and should consider apologizing.


(The End)

Skrabbil ends when a player runs out of tiles and can't draw any more. The game also ends if every player in a row chooses to skip their turn.

The winning player or team is the one with the highest score. Everyone should shake their hand and congratulate them for being bad at spelling.

Skrabbil was first conceived with Jake and Stevie Lane in May 2019, and was refined over several years of trial and error.

Thanks to Janie Walter and everyone who has played it with me.